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The Afrikan Origin of Divine Law


Part 1

The Ten Commandments

(as recorded in the Bible, Exodus 20:3-17)

1. Thou/You shall have no other gods before Me

2. Thou/You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me; but showing mercy to those who love Me and keep My commandments.

3. Thou/You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.

4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. In it you shall do no work; you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.

5. Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you.

6. Thou/You shall not murder

7. Thou/You shall not commit adultery

8. Thou/You shall not steal

9. Thou/You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor

10. Thou/You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor’s.

Having been brought up in a Judeo-Christian society, most of us, if not all of us, have been strongly influenced to believe in the teachings of the Bible, and those interpretations authority figures purport come from the Bible. One example is the fact that we were taught that Moses went up to Mount Sinai and received the Ten Commandments directly from ‘the hand of God.’ The interpretation conveyed to us is that before that time neither he nor any other Egyptian or Hebrew had seen the likes of such laws. We were lead to believe that the 10 Commandments represented a brand new blessing from God to man. Unfortunately, under the cloud of cultural interpretation we are often unable to see what should be a plain and simple truth.

What follows is an introduction to knowledge preachers and the promoters of Christendom would rather you not know. It represents incontrovertible PROOF that both Moses and the Egyptian people knew such laws long before his trek to Sinai, and his subsequent encounter with ‘the buring bush.’ More specifically, it shows that these so-called ‘unique laws’ written by the ‘hand of God,’ in fact, come directly from very ancient principles revered by early Kemetic (Egyptian) people; and that people for thousands of years before Moses, before Hebraic culture, and even before Abraham, the father of the Hebrew nation, adhered to these principles.


Part 2

The Admonitions of Ma’at

As you are about to see, the tenets from which Moses extracted the core ten that became known as The Ten Commandments. were taken from ancient principles we now know as the Admonitions of Ma’at. If you have problems with this idea, just remember Moses was raised by the sister of Pharoah and thus grew up as a prince of Egypt (Kemet). In this capacity, he undoubtedly knew and lived by Ma’ati spiritual principles or laws. Laws that for thousands of years before his time, served as the moral foundation of long enduring Black civilizations. In the English translation of the text called the Metu Neter, Ma’ati principles are referred to as The Negative Confessions, as well as the 42 Admonitions of Ma’at. The principles as shown below, were taken directly from the ancient ‘stones,’ from the walls of ancient pyramids and temples.

The following 42 principles are taken directly from PLATES XXXI and XXXII of the Metu Neter (See Pages 198-203); called by E.A. Wallis Budge et. al., The Egyptian Book of the Dead.) They represent the foundation of ancient wisdom and moral values.

1. I have not done what is wrong (to my neighbor)

2. I have not despoiled myself (with forbidden acts)

3. I have not robbed another

4. I have not slain an innocent person

5. I have not defrauded the offerings made to the spirit forces

6. I have not diminished oblations

7. I have not plundered the things that are of God

8. I have not spoken lies

9. I have not expropriated food

10. I have not caused undue pain to anyone

11. I have not committed fornication

12. I have not made another weep unjustly

13. I have not dealt deceitfully

14. I have not transgressed

15. I have not acted guilefully

16. I have not desolated ploughed land

17. I have not been an eavesdropper

18. I have not set my mouth in motion against any person

19. I have not become enraged except with just cause

20. I have not defiled the wife of any man

21. I have not defiled the wives of any man

22. I have not polluted myself

23. I have not inflicted terror on innocent people

24. I have not committed offence

25. I have not burned with rage

26. I have not made myself deaf to the words of Truth and Righteousness (Ma’at)

27. I have not caused grief

28. I have not acted insolently nor held back effort in my daily work

29. I have not stirred up strife

30. I have not judged hastily

31. I have not been a spy

32. I have not multiplied my words (to confound)

33. I have not harmed anyone or done evil

34. I have not cast a curse on the king or ruler

35. I have not fouled the water

36. I have not made my voice haughty

37. I have not cursed God

38. I have not committed theft

39. I have not defrauded the offerings made to God

40. I have not plundered the offerings made to the blessed ancestors

41. I have not carried away food intended for infants, nor have I sinned against the spirit (god) of my land

42. I have not slaughtered, with evil intent, the cattle of the divine one.


Part 3

Supplemental Insights Into Ancient Ma’ati Law

In an effort to be thorough, I now present 17 unreconciled admonitions that were taken from the Introduction to the section containing the 42 Admonitions or Confessions of Ma’at (see Budge, pg. 193-197). In effect, they show how these essential principles have undergone revisions over the centuries before Judism began. Although it too speaks of 42, Budge only includes 38 admonitions in the introductory section. When compared directly against the 42 admonitions contained in the main body of the text, most of those in the Introduction match up identically. The 17 that differ are most likely variant, semantic forms of the original 42 admonitions. In other words, the seventeen (17) variant admonitions or Ma’ati Commandments probably indicate how local or colloquial language might have interjected profound, yet culturally specific meanings into these simple principles. Linguists generically call this evocative feature of a language, idiom.

7. (My name has not) I have not come before the ‘boat of the Prince’ of Peace

12. I have not caused harm to come to a servant by his master

16. I have not ordered the killing of another

22. I have not defiled myself [with forbidden practices] refer to #2

24. I have not stolen from another person’s crops

25. I have not trampled down another’s field

26. I have not defrauded another (i.e., "added to the weight of the balance")

27. I have not defrauded another (i.e., "taken from the weight of the balance")

29. I have not driven away cattle that were grazing in their pastures

30. I have not enslaved free beings (birds) that were in the domain of God

31. I have not caught fish using pieces of their own kind [as bait]

32. I have not diverted the course of the waters during their season

33. I have not slaughtered animals in running waters

34. I have not extinguished a flame (light) when it was time to give light

35. I have not violated the times for the offerings (Sabbaths)

36. I have not driven back [or diverted] the followers [cattle] of divine beings [Xet = things]

37. I have not rejected God in any of his manifestations (followed four times by) — even I am pure... I am pure with the purity of bennu, the great one which is in Suten-henen... ]

In contrast to the traditional Christian version of ‘Divine Law,’ which expresses itself as commandments, ancient law presents its precepts as affirmations. In other words, instead of God telling us NOT to do something, in Afrikan tradition, we solemnly stand before God and the agents of God (angels, neters, etc.) to affirm that we/I have not transgressed the law. So, where the Judeo-Christians are told not to commit a moral sin, ancient Afrikans affirm and take personal responsibilitiy not to transgress moral law.

Further, as we compare the 10 tenets or commandments of the Judeo-Christian faith, their similarity with the ancient Ma’ati principles should be clear. Again, it is important to note that the tenets of Ma’at were written thousands of years prior to 1400 BCE—the time of the Biblical Moses. This logically means that the Ten Commandments were recorded long after the Admonitions of Ma’at had been carved into the walls of temples and pyramids, written on coffins and in books, and thereafter spread to emerging societies like those in Chaldea, Sumeria, Elam, and later to Babylon and Assyria. It should be unquestionable, based on this historical fact, that the real story of how Moses came up with those ‘new divine laws’ was likely very different than what we are taught on Sundays.

This apparent discrepency does not, however, undermine the fact that the One God has always provided a way for man to stay in a state of moral order, or blessing. It also demonstrates the continuity of divine law. That is, rather than there being two or more ‘creators of the universe,’ with each having a need to institute its own, distinct body of tenets, there is only one. Whether it be for Afrikans, Hebrews, or endo-Europeans, ultimately there is only one Creator. Thus, we should expect to see only one divine law. Though expressed by different societies in a myriad of ways reflecting their cultural differences, the essence of the law, as you can see, remains perpetually consistent.

You are invited to review the Admonitions of Ma’at, study them, compare them to the Ten Commandments. The best way to understand them, however, is by integrating the values they project into your personal value system. Because only through moral and spiritual elevation can hu+manity ever rise to greatness again.

— I.M. Nur



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